How to Boost Your Immune System
The recent outbreaks of Bird Flu and dengue fever and the not so recent outbreak of SARS served as a wake up call for mankind. Despite the many so-called “advancements” in medical science, there are still many diseases [degenerative and infectious] that we can’t cure.
Many attempts have been made to find the “magic bullet” for cancer, to produce a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu and Dengue Fever respectively. Unfortunately, all the efforts are in vain.
While scientists are figuring out how to “kill” cancerous cells and potentially harmful (sometimes lethal) viruses by external, artificial and various means with harmful side effects, it is the time for us to reflect and look within ourselves and pinpoint the root of the problem and solve it once and for all.
How? You may ask. Our forebears were wiser in this aspect. For them, prevention is a better cure. I believe these words have their equivalent in every language on earth. It’s so well-known and well-said yet why are we still neglecting and abusing our body?
The question is: Are we taking our health seriously? If the answer is affirmative, then it is time to take steps to boost our immune system.
1. 保护:使人体免於病毒、细菌、污染物质及疾病的侵害。
2. 清除:新陈代谢後的废物及免疫细胞与敌人打仗时遗留下来的病毒和细胞残骸和毒素,都必须藉由免疫系统加以清除。
3. 修补:免疫细胞能修补受损的器官、组织,使其恢复原来的功能。
4. 记忆:免疫细胞会对入侵者产生记忆,当下次有同样的「抗原」入侵时,便以此「抗体」将其消灭。「疫苗预防接种」的原理亦是如此。
Rest adequately.
Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep nightly to feel rested. We should sleep based on our bio rhythm. According to traditional oriental medicine, bodily functions are based on a bio clock. The Liver which is the largest internal organ and in charge of detoxification (and many other functions), is at maximum efficiency from 1am – 3am, actively carrying out the detox process of the body. It has to perform this function properly when body is completely at rest. Therefore, it is best to sleep around 11pm so that by that time, you’re far asleep and detox can be done effectively. A proper detox-ed body has a stronger immune system.
大多数的人都需要八到九小时的睡眠,如果经常静坐,睡眠可以自然缩短到六个小时。我们应该根据我们的生理时钟劳作和休息,也就是晚上11点以前就寝。这是因为,人体内最大的排毒器官—— 肝的排毒功能[肝经流注的时辰]在凌晨1到3时最为旺盛。它必须在身体全面放松熟睡时,才能好好地进行排毒。睡眠不足不好,肝火就盛,脸色不好看,还有口臭,肠胃也不好,当然免疫系统也遭殃。
喝足够的净水对排毒和减少发炎机率非常重要。成人每天至少需要2000到3000 毫升(ml)的净水,并且应该每隔数十分钟就喝些水。不要等到口渴才喝水。早晨9点前和下午四点后到公园走走,做深呼吸肯定对身体有益。
大量的糖进入身体,不但造成血糖波动过快过于激烈,容易导致乙型糖尿病,同时也使得免疫系统懒洋洋的,无力抵抗外来的侵略。所以,避免一次大量吃喝充满糖分的饮食:白面包、蛋糕、巧克力、雪糕、汽水、糖果等。也不要使用含saccharin 和aspartame人造糖精,因为它们有毒。设法以少量的糖蜜 [molasses]、黑糖、蜜糖取代,或是多吃水果,以及使用stevia 或 xylitol这两种天然糖替代品。
大多数人都知道摄食太多的饱和脂肪会导致心脏病。可是,还有一种人造脂肪对健康更加具有威胁性,那就是:反型脂肪(trans fats)。过去30多年来,全球从事研发较为不饱和的膳食脂肪 (如人造奶油Margarine),以致近来的人造奶油系列产品 (包括酥油Shortening) 不再予以过度硬化 (即氢化) 而含有较多的液态油脂,然而却导致产品含有更多的反型脂肪。(注: 完全氢化饱和加工时,不会产生反型脂肪,然而经予部份氢化 (Partial hydrogenation),却会产生反型脂肪)。据医学报导,经摄取过量的反型脂肪,会提升血清LDL胆固醇(坏的胆固醇)浓度并可能降低血清HDL胆固醇(好的胆固醇)浓度,进而可能增加心血管疾病(如Cardiovascular Disease, CVD或Coronary Heart Disease, CHD)的危险,而似比饱和脂肪的负面效应更为严重。
Say “No” to Trans Fatty Acids
Many of you know that eating too much saturated fats is a recipe for heart disease. However, do you know that there’s another category of fats that are even more destructive than saturated fats? Worst yet, they’re hidden in many of the foods you eat every day. It is called trans fat.
Trans fat is created when oil manufacturers heat liquid oils at high temperatures, a process called hydrogenation, to make them more solid, more stable and less greasy. This process turns unsaturated fatty acids (most of them are vegetable oils) into trans fatty acids. Your body can’t handle this type of oil, which wreaks havoc in your body.
The harmful effects of trans fatty acids are not a new discovery. Since the 1950s, scientists in the US, Canada and Europe have found out that trans fats which are fed to laboratory animals would impair their immunity and increase free radical production. They raise total cholesterol as much as saturated fats do. They have also been associated with infertility, diabetes, and cancer of the breast and prostate.
Unfortunately, avoiding trans fats won’t be easy. It is present in all the processed foods and listing it in food labels is not required. They are found in margarine, commercial vegetable oils, fried foods, peanut butter, roasted nuts, potato chips, cookies, biscuits, pastries, salad dressing and most processed foods. Therefore, the best bet is to avoid margarine and vegetable oils (use organic olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil for cooking at low temperature settings). Check the label of all commercially baked foods for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated”. This means it contains trans fat.
Helpful and Immune Boosting Herbs and Supplements
Vitamin C has long been known for its healing properties, especially when it comes to the common cold. Another helpful immune system supplement is Echinacea, which in Germany (and elsewhere) is also being prescribed to help fight colds and flu. Clinical trials prove that Echinacea is beneficial in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds and flu. As a powerful immuno-stimulant, Echinacea helps to maintain a normal, healthy immune system. If taken regularly, it can not only provide relief for the symptoms of cold and flu, but can also assist in the treatment of flu by reducing the severity and duration of the symptoms. Besides Echinacea, goldenseal, garlic, olive leaf extract, ginseng and ginger etc are also said to be natural immune system boosters.
祝 大家都康安!